About Me

Sawadee Ka! I’m Victoria (aka V)

I’m a lover of all things adventurous; Food & culture, chance encounters, unusual practices, incredible journeys, unique experiences, facing fears, risk taking, and above all- I treasure growth opportunities and incorporating fun into every adventure. Follow me to explore the magic of Chiang Mai like a unique local- off the beaten tourist track and often off the typical path of a Chiang Mai local and Expat lifestyle. Allow me to Inspire you to step out of your comfort zone to explore an enchanting world I call my ‘home’. Follow me for incredible locations, tricks and tips that will ensure your Chiang Mai getaway to be the most memorable one.

You can’t live your life anticipating an easy fairytale ending. Even the most legendary fairytale stories recite tales of struggle along the way. Happily ever after isn’t a tale, it’s a string of choices that lead us to the happy ending we’ve always dreamed of. This is my tale.

Meet V!

I was born in Australia & was raised in a small desert town called Coober Pedy, The Opal capital of the world, where temperatures can soar above 50 degrees Celsius and 60% of the population live underground! It’s not unusual for locals to rub shoulders with famous Hollywood & Aussie actors; Coober Pedy is a popular location for movie sets. I’m a true desert girl who loves the heat and the smell of dust when the scarce rainfall is approaching!

Mad Max 3 Actor
My grandmother’s home

My family eventually moved to Adelaide city in aid of a better education, often returning to Coober Pedy for holiday time with my father. I spent many years Dental nursing and I really loved my job. My life was so busy, but there was always something missing. I strongly felt deep down in my gut that there was something much bigger for me, just waiting for me to show up. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I heard its whispers in my dreams.

Dental Nursing days

Little Facts About V

  • I have 3 sisters and I am also a twin!
  • I love to paint- As a little girl, I used to melt my crayons in a pot in the sun & paint the garden shed LOL!
  • I love to write- I’ve even written articles for the local paper
  • I love music and I love to dance and sing. Sometimes I sing songs in other languages (I’m really weird like that)!
  • I’m a great eater! I often eat way too much and I’ll try everything once, but I can’t promise I’ll like it.
  • My father is Greek & my mother is German. I can read, write, dance and speak Greek, but i can’t say the same for German.
  • A movie was made in my Coober Pedy home, ‘Opal Dream’ and I loved recording footage of my home that had been turned into a movie set!
  • I met the stars of Mad Max 3 when ‘Beyond Thunderdome’ was filed in my hometown.
  • I’ve always loved training in Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)
  • I love helping people.

I would praise the courage of others who’d travel overseas as I was so insecure about all things unfamiliar to me. I grew up believing that my aim in life was to secure a good job, buy a house and settle down with a family. So, I accomplished both the job and the house whilst living independently. It just wasn’t enough to serve the cravings of my soul. I yearned for learning more, helping more and living more. I desperately needed to discover myself, my potential and what would eventually become endless opportunities.

I had finally built up the courage to travel solo to Ractchaburi, Thailand where I was invited to train and study at the Muay Thai College. I then travelled further up North to Chiang Mai for a holiday. I instantly fell in love with enchanting Chiang Mai! Surrounded by glorious rolling mountains, Temples on just about every corner, the ancient city and its majestic landmarks left me mesmerized beyond belief; I was in Thai heaven! One night, I sat eating alone on the rooftop of a little restaurant eating hot pot and staring at the night sky. I could see the yellow lights twinkling at the top of the mountain, coming from the famous Doi Suthep Temple that resembled sparkles of gold glitter in the midst of the dark. I was entirely on my own and had never felt so at peace and completely at home. I knew then, I was exactly where I was supposed to be!

My romantic dinner for 1

I had googled an Orphanage and gone there with an entire truck full of goods for the kids and was later invited to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve that same year with them, which I excitedly accepted. It turned out; I had inherited a big, loving family on the other side of the world. I had to my heart set on returning, helping the underprivileged kids and whatever else came my way. For the first time in my life, I had no plans and it didn’t scare me. I was ready.

New Years Eve 2015 with the Orphanage.

I sold my house and gave away almost everything I had. I sent a shipment of belongings to be delivered to the orphanage for safe keeping until my return a few months later. I was back in August of 2015. I was 35 yrs old and felt like I was beginning my life again. I was leaving ‘The City of Churches’ for ‘The City of Temples’. I returned to Chiang Mai on a Student Visa for learning Thai and I’ve accomplished so much since then I can’t wait to share my stories with you in my blog posts!

Some things that I’ve achieved on my own:

Mae Ra Ma Luang Refugee camp bordering Burma
Graduating from my massage courses
Mae Sariang Children’s home (Mae Hong Son province)

In the beginning of 2018, I had a serious accident whilst cooking at home. I had suffered 3rd degree & full thickness burns to thirty percent of my body with fire & 1000+ degree oil. It was a horrific accident that had made news around the world. Death had been knocking on my door (on several occasions) and I had somehow stayed alive through all the operations that ran in the teens. After a month in a Chiang Mai hospital, I was escorted by an Australian nurse and flown back to my home in Adelaide, Australia. I was operated on by one of the best burns surgeons in the world, Dr. John Greenwood who just so happened to operate in the best burns unit in the southern hemisphere – in my city!

Taking ‘Sizzling hot’ to a whole new level! (I can joke about it now)

My arms and hands are now grafted with the skin from my entire right thigh. It was a very painful recovery and rehabilitation that taught me so much about myself. Most importantly, how lucky I was to be alive. The surgeons told me that 80% of my recovery heavily depended on my mind. My mind was always back in Chiang Mai- my home, and it was essentially my love of Chiang Mai that had ensured my miraculous recovery and early return that same year. This ordeal will be told in detail; in my words in the future. I firmly believe that I have so much to share and teach others who are struggling to deal with some of the things I was faced with.

Two weeks after I had returned to Chiang Mai, I went on my first date with a Chiang Mai gentleman by the name of Apple (yes, just like the fruit)! I had to wear my compression garments (sleeves & gloves) and I wasn’t sure how he’d react to them or my scars beneath them. A worry was all it was because from that day on, we were inseparable. He would assist with my recovery by massaging my scars, holding an umbrella over my head when we were out in the sun, and he’d pull the motorbike over into the shade whenever we approached a red traffic light. What a guy!!! We were married in 2019 and we’ve soared through life together since. He’ll be making many appearances in my blogs, so let’s get you acquainted!

Some cool facts about Apple!

I told him to think of me and this was his reaction

Want to know more?

All of the photos and videos used in my blog posts are my own. I encourage and welcome you to comment on my blog posts as it gives me a great insight into what everybody enjoys reading and seeing. I’m completely open to questions you may have, and they can also potentially lead to further informative blog posts for your perusal and your benefit.

Writing has always been my passion, and I forgot just how meditating it is for me until I began creating my blog site. I love nothing more than to share my experiences with others, so If you know of anybody who loves to read and indulge in amazing stories, please share my blog site with them. There are videos and plenty of photos paired with each adventure to ensure the best experience I can offer through my stories.

Head over to the main page to choose your own adventure and learn everything you can about this charming city that will change your life forever! I can’t wait to share my extraordinary stories, experiences and everything I know with you!